Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Geo-Political and Economic Organization of Asean Essay

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a geo-political and economic organization of ten countries located in Southeast Asia, which was formed on 8 August 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Since then, membership has expanded to include Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Its aims include accelerating economic growth, social progress, and cultural development among its members, protection of regional peace and stability, and opportunities for member countries to discuss differences peacefully. ASEAN has emphasized regional cooperation in the â€Å"three pillars†, which are security, sociocultural integration, and economic integration. The regional grouping has made the most progress in economic integration by creating an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015. AEC envisages the following key characteristics: (a) a single market and production base, (b) a highly competitive economic region, (c) a region of equitable economic development, and (d) a region fully integrated into the global economy. The implementation of AEC is able to boost economic returns of countries in ASEAN due to cooperative and collaborative as a group could have generated a larger overall pool of benefits to be distributed among than countries than each will ultimately achieve by working on its own. But nevertheless in my opinion, Thailand will be of great concerns to many businesses in the region when AEC is established. Thailand possess in an advantageous geographical position which is located at the strategic center position in ASEAN, foreign companies be obliged to set up a solid foundation for the base material storage and product distribution to export their products to the countries in ASEAN if they are intend to establish market in ASEAN. Other than that, open economy policy of Thailand is closely integrated in the AEC blueprint. Thus it can be seen, Thailand’s markets will be benefit most among the countries in ASEAN when it come into effect in 2015. According to a news report on Thailand newspaper World Journal, also known as Chinese Daily News, a sense of urgency is palpable in enterprises all type and in virtually every industry in Thailand since AEC will be organize soon. A number of listed companies adjusting corporate business strategies and formulating an aggressiveness marketing program are being stepped up without cease in order to meet the new challenges and opportunities that will be  occur after two or three years. Managing director of TICON (Ticon Industrial Connection Public Company Limited), Mr. Virapan Pulges indicated that TICON had already the corporate strategies to cope with the regional economic integration by 2015, focus on the greatly increasing future demand of distribution center and warehouses facilities in Thailand. The Chief Executive Officer of CMO (Creative Management Organization), Sermkhun Kunawong revealed that convention and exhibition industries will be enormously benefit from the establish of AEC because the convention and exhibition industries in Thailand are occupied leading level among ASEAN countries. CMO planned to gain further insight into related convention and exhibition industries regulation of other countries in Asian in order to seek business opportunities and establish close contact with logistic industries in Asian countries. Chairman of the board of DRT (Diamond Roofing Tiles Public Company Limited), Prakit Prathipasen mentioned that his company always maintains their products export to Vietnam and Cambodia, but they will expand their export markets to Malaysia and Indonesia from now on, they planned to set up a warehousing distribution center at Changwat Surat Thani, Thailand to aiming at above markets. The presidents of MFEC (MFEC Public Company Limited), Siriwat Vongjarukorn stated that Information and Technology industries will benefit from establish of AEC. The implementation of open and liberal investment policies and actively encourage inward investment will extremely intensify markets competitive in ASEAN. Company must pay close attention in adjusting corporate strategies, increasing competitive advantages and implement performance evaluation on a more concrete form, herein attract the investment that is in favor of the Information and Technology industries. His company has long been prepared for the establishment of AEC through service integration with various companies to increase competitive advantages and the advantage of fully satisfies known customers’ demand. The new report above let us know about that how the leaders of companies in Thailand deal with the change. Four of them accept the inevitability of change and recognize changes as potential of sources of energy and self-renewal, they develop effective management skills that help organization move towards something better. They shared a common vision of  responsibilities and economy opportunities for their companies and countries, an idolized goal has been created by them to seize the opportunities for expand their markets and try to maximized their benefits from the establishment of AEC. That is every appearance that we can almost certain they possess Charismatic Leadership- they have a vision, they are willing to take personal risks to achieve that vision, they are sensitive to follower needs, and they exhibit behavior that are out of the ordinary. The Key characteristics of charismatic leadership that they possess are: 1. Vision and articulation- They has the clear visions that proposes a future better than the status quo and is able to clarify the importance of the vision in terms that are understandable to others. They planned and implementing the new corporate strategies to meet the establishment of AEC by 2015 and they has a good idea how the strategies can benefit their companies and countries. 2. Personal risk- They willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision. According to their narrations, their new corporate strategies involve high costs to build large infrastructure facilities within or outside their country for large scale productions, they has to take on the responsibilities and possibilities of failure at their own risk. 3. Sensitivity to follower needs- They are perceptive of others’ abilities and responsive to their needs and feelings. Due to their company involve in large scale capitals and productions, they must appoint some qualified person to important positions. 4. Unconventional behavior- They engage in behaviors that are perceived as novel and counter to norms. They being as successful leaders will never assumed that if they could just keep things running on a steady without changing and vision, their companies would be successful. AEC is an international collaboration project among ASEAN countries, good workers or followers will be an essential part if the companies endeavor to obtain benefits and advantages from the project. Followers of charismatic leaders have higher task performance, task performance, and adjustment to the leader and to the group than did followers who worked under groups led by noncharismatic leaders. There are four-step process shows that how do  charismatic leaders influence followers. 1. Articulate a vision- It begins by the leader articulating an appealing vision. A vision is a long-term strategy for how to attain a goal or goals. The vision provides a sense of continuity for followers by linking the present with a better future for the organization. The leaders share their vision with followers about the steps to attain goals in future through AEC by 2015. 2. Create a vision statement- A vision is incomplete unless it has an accompanying vision statement. A vision statement is a formal articulation of an organization’s vision or mission. Charismatic leader may use vision statement to â€Å"imprint† on followers an overarching goal and purpose. Once a vision and vision statement are established, the leader then communicates high performance expectations and expresses confidence that followers can attain them. This enhances follower self-esteem and self-confidence. Leaders create framework for all their strategic planning that will apply to entity companies to meet the goals. 3. Create a new set of values- The leader conveys a new set of values and through words and actions by his or her behavior, set an example to followers to imitate. Charismatic leaders were more effective because their employees personally identified with the leaders. Finally, the charismatic leader engages in emotion-inducing and often unconventional behavior to demonstrate courage and convictions about the vision. There is an emotional contagion in charismatic leadership whereby followers â€Å"catch† the emotions their leader is conveying. As I have mentioned at above, AEC is an international collaboration project among ASEAN countries, so leaders should create a new values that can apply to ASEAN countries instead of old values that are relate only with a country. 4. Demonstrate the vision- Because the vision is such a critical component of charismatic leadership, we should clarify exactly what we mean by the term, identify specific qualities of an effective vision, and offer some examples. Leaders implement the visions with their followers to achieve the goals. According to the other news report of Thailand newspaper World Journal, Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce held a round table meeting with regard to tourism recently, discussed the opportunities and development  in tourist industry after Thailand join AEC by 2015. The round table meeting invited the Ministry of Tourism and Sport, relevant departments and travel agencies to participate in discussion. Head of Foreign Trade Department indicate that the integration of ASEAN will mainly reflect the effect in investment and mobility of human resource after the establishment of AEC. By that time, Thailand will see further competitive in tourism markets from other ASEAN countries. Therefore, Thailand is critical to maintain and increase its own competitiveness to adapt to the markets and create great development progress. After the discussion in round table meeting, the methods were considered as effectiveness in increasing competitiveness of tourist industries of Thailand included: 1. Unify the standardization of tourism service, adopt international standard progressively to guild and measure. 2. Train employees with systematically, instill professional knowledge to them and also let them learn to master foreign language. 3. Formulate trade standard, avoid price war break out. 4. Establish good relationship with other ASEAN countries. 5. Create stricter law and legislation, crack down on illegal activities related to tourist industries. Moreover, the round table meeting believed that short term and long term plans should be formulate to guide travel agencies solve their problems in order to accelerated development and faces the competitive from ASIAN countries positively. We can address the foregoing changes of Ministry of Commerce, Thailand as an international and goal-oriented activity, we can also described the scenario as planned change. Essentially there are two goals in planned change. First, it seeks to improve the ability of the organization or industry to adapt to changes in its environment. Second, it seeks to change employee behavior. If an organization or industry is to survive, it must respond to changes in its environment. When competitors introduce new products or services, government agencies enact new laws, important sources of supplies go out of business,  or similar environmental changes take place, the organization or industry needs to adapt. Efforts to stimulate innovation, empower employees, and introduce work teams are examples of planned-change activities directed at responding to changes in the environment. Because an organization or industry’s success or failure is essentially due to the things that its employees do or fail to do, planned change also is concerned with changing the behavior of individuals and groups within the organization. In the above case, Ministry of commerce improves the competitiveness and abilities of tourist industries in Thailand and train employees to improve their qualities to face the changes brought by AEC, like the increase of competitors are fully consistent with planned change. Change agents are responsible for managing change activities, change agents can be managers or nonmanagers, current employees of an organization, newly hired employees, or outside consultants, but the Ministry of Commerce, travel agencies and employees of tourist industries are the change agents in this case. However, when people are confronted with change, resistance to change appears to be natural and positive state. One of the well-documented findings from studies of individual and organizational behavior is that organizations and their members resist change. One recent study showed that even when employees are shown data that they need to change, they latch onto whatever data they can find that suggests they are alright and don’t need to change. Our egos are fragile, and we often see change as threatening. In order to avoid continue walking in the old steps and seclude oneself, seven tactics have been suggested for use by change agents in dealing with resistance to change: 1. Education and Communication- Resistance can be reduced through communicating with employees to help them see the logic of a change. Communication can reduce resistance on two levels. First, it fights the effects of misinformation and poor communication. Second, communication can be helpful in â€Å"selling† the need for change. The changes are most effective if Minister of Commerce communicate its rationale balancing various participants’ interest versus a rationale based on minister or heads of  department’s interest only. 2. Participation- It’s difficult for individuals to resist a change decision in which they participated. Prior to making a change, those opposed can be brought into the decision process. Assuming that the participants have the expertise to make a meaningful contribution, their involvement can reduce resistance, obtain commitment, and increase the quality of the change decision. Therefore, Minister of Commerce should invite particip ations from various industries that are related to tourist industries to increase the success rate of changes. 3. Building Support and Commitment- Change agents can offer a range of supportive efforts to reduce resistance. When employees’ fear and anxiety are high, employee counseling and therapy, new-skills training, or a short paid leave or absence may facilitate adjustment. Research on middle managers has shown that when managers or employees have low emotional commitment to change, they favor the status quo and resist it. So firing up employees can also help them emotionally commit to the change rather than embrace the status quo. Minister of Commerce should fully support all of the participants by effort and money due to they are same sided and share same purposes to benefit their countries and industries. 4. Implementing Changes Fairly- Try as managers might to have employees see change positively, most workers tend to react negatively. Most people simply don’t like change. But one way organizations can minimize the negative impact of change, even when employees frame it a s a negative, is to makes sure the change is implemented fairly. Procedural fairness becomes especially important when employees perceive an outcome as negative, so when implementing changes, it’s crucial that organizations bend over backwards to make sure employees see the reason for the change, and perceive that the changes are being implemented consistently and fairly. Technical support and financial support allocate by Minister of Commerce to participants must be absolutely fair and free of discrimination or bias. 5. Manipulation and Cooptation- Manipulation refers to covert influence attempts. Twisting and distorting facts to make them appear more attractive, withholding undesirable information, and creating false rumors to get employees to accept a change are all examples of manipulation. Cooptation, on the other hand, is a form of both manipulation and participation. It seeks to â€Å"buy off† the leaders of a resistance group by giving them a key role in the  change decision. The leaders’ advice is sought, not to seek a better decision, but to get their endorsement. Ministry of Commerce can conceal the fact that will be against by participants in order to cooperative production. This method is not recommended to change agents unless there are left with no choice, because the tactics can backfire if the targets become aware they are being trick or used. 6. Selecting People Who Accept Change- Research suggests that the ability to easily accept and adapt to change is related to personality. It appears that people who adjust best to change are those who are open to experience, take a positive attitude toward change, are willing to take risks, and are flexible in their behavior. Ministry of Commerce should select participants who are positive self-concept and high risk tolerance because they are coped better with change. 7. Coercion- Coercion is the application of direct threats or force on the resisters. The examples of coercion are threats of transfer, loss of promotions, negative performance evaluations, and a poor letter of recommendation. This method can use to be directed against participants who are not follow instructions or rules that made by Ministry of Commerce. No discussion of resistance to change would be complete without a brief mention of the politics of change because change invariably threaten and the status quo, it inherently implies political activity. In the frame of ASEAN Economic Community, enterprises need to the notion of operation and management to get the best of the achievement of free flow system from essential productive factors. Companies should convert to from the operation strategies that confines only to domestic markets transnational operation though establish relationship with business partners in the area of ASEAN. The most important thing is to put the pressure on formulate a new business planning for strives to adapt the changes and committed to the new business opportunities. The establishment of AEC is expected to create bigger markets for products of Thailand, at the same time, companies of Thailand should examine themselves if they are brace to become a member of AEC while speed up with enhance comprehensive strength. Most of the ASEAN countries are not fully prepare to meet AEC, there are still some disadvantages in various directions for Thailand, especially the  political situation of Thailand not showing any specific development route, some corporation are still lack of related knowledge result in not fully prepare of relevant plans. For this purpose, Thailand should make full use of advantages and rational utilization of resources to increase competitiveness to differentiates their superiority with other ASEAN countries for the in coming of establishment of AEC by 2015. References (2007) ASEANWEB – ASEAN Economic Community. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 Oct 2012]. (2005) Ministry of Commerce of Thailand Appeal Tourist Industries to Increase Competitiveness. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 Oct 2012]. (1967) Association of Southeast Asian Nations – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 Oct 2012]. ROBBINS, S. and JUDGE, T. (2010) Organizational Behavior. 13th ed. Prentice Hall, p.447-450,654-659. (1996) Thailand Listed Company Adjust Strategies to Meet AEC [online] Available at: [Accessed: 1 Oct 2012].

Competency Differences between Associate degree Nurse and Baccalaureate Essay

This essay will explore the differences in competencies for nurses prepared at the associates and baccalaureate degree levels. Both degrees allow the nurse to enter in to the field of nursing as a Registered Nurse .The American Association of colleges of Nursing believes that education significantly impacts the knowledge base and competencies of nurse (AACN2010). BSN and ADN nurses have the same skills need to care for the patient’s, the BSN prepared nurse builds upon these skills. Educational preparation for both degrees includes a core curriculum focusing on preparing the nurse for acquired to in the clinical setting. There are the educational pathways for Registered Nurses. An associate degree nurse enters a two year community college program, earning a student in associate degree in nursing, a three year diploma program offered by hospitals and a four year university or college program, earning the student a bachelor’s of science degree in nursing. The associate degree program were first introduced in 1958 to relieve the shortage of nurses post world war. The program focused on providing direct care for a patient with a well- defined common diagnosis. Facilities have protocols which the nurse takes direction from and refers to for guidance. ADN curriculum is technical in nature focusing on task oriented clinical skill, while considering patient health conditions and need. ADN nurses understand the needs for standardized data collection and assist in obtaining data in a comprehensive manner Competencies set forth for AND’S intend to center on caregiver, councilor, and educator Activities (LUCY J HOOD 2009).ADN maintains accountability for her own actions and those of other health care peers for which she delegate task. ADN nurses assess, implement and plan patient care from admission to discharge. BSN NURSES BSN educational program last for four years. Baccalaureate curriculums include emphasis on critical thinking, research, leadership, management and community health . BSN nurses have excellent problem solving skills and have independent decision making capacities .The BSN program graduates assume the same responsibilities of the associate degree nurse yet their role is far  more expanded. The baccalaureate nurse incorporates the physical, social, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional components to address the overall health of the individual. Applying theory of nursing knowledge from evidence bases research in a holistic view of the individual, and their community. BSN nursing knowledge is based on theory and research which allows opportunities to teach, assume a leadership role in the health care environment. BSN nurses not only provide more complex aspects of daily care and patient education, but also design and co-ordinate a comprehensive plan of nursing care for the entire length of a patient’s stay from pre-admission to post-discharge , including supervising nurses’ aides and other unlicensed assistive personnel, designing discharge and teaching plans for patient’s and collaborating with patient Physicians, families and of the hospital departments and resource personnel. An example of differences in patient care, ADN and BSN nurse are as follows. (Patient situation) A 76 year old female patient admitted with the diagnosis of breast cancer to the oncology department .Cancer care technician arrives, providing daily care of a patient. An RN Arrives, welcome the patient, oriented the room, call bell, introduced staff, checks the vital signs, assess the skin, treatments given for the wound and evaluate the plan of care. A nurse with BSN degree is responsible for the co-ordination of all care provided, after assessing the patient and family needs. The nurse with a BSN collaborates with the physician, physical therapy pastoral care services, social worker and implement a plan of care for the patients based on their health care needs. The AACN â€Å"states the road to BSN, prepares the new nurse for a broader scope of practice across a variety of inpatient and outpatient setting† (AACN, 2010) .With the increase in complexity of today’s health care system, patient’s ,along with advances in technology, our health care requires more highly educated nurses. We as nurses embrace education that prepares us to provide the best care possible for our patients. References American Association of colleges of health of nursing (2010). The impact of education on nursing practice. Retrieved from American ASSOCIATION OF Nursing website: factsheets/ impactednp.htm HOOD, L.J.(2010).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Poverty, What Makes People Poor

The rich, the middle class, and the poor; are described by the way we live and the amount of money one has. There are many different ways of describing what poverty is, whether it is by how you live, how much money you have, or in statistical terms. Poverty isnt always a bad thing it is just another way of living, another way of life. There are different kinds of poverty that you can measure. There is relative poverty that can be measured to the rest of the population. Relative poverty is measuring less than fifty percent than the average income or wealth that a person has. That means that if you make less than half of what the average person makes you are poor. Relative poverty still means that you are able to survive, but not to the standard that most are at. There is also absolute poverty. This means that you are unable to provide the necessary things that you need to survive in your daily life. Things like food shelter and medical attention. This is the measure that has set The Poverty Line developed by the Social Security Administration. The current poverty line is measured at $16,588 for a family of four. The poverty line is measured by the emergency food budget times three. This means that the food that a family needs to survive multiply by three. You must think that the family must pay for their bills, mortgage, and their food with this money. Seventy percent of a families income goes to house them. According to the United States Census Service there are 34.5 million Americans that are poor. This consists of 12.7 percent of the United States population. This is an under estimate of the real poverty rate because the poverty line is very conservative. About eleven million people are just above the poverty line. United States has the highest poverty rate of the worlds industrialize countries. Some people have it worse than other people. For instance women make up two-thirds of the adult poor population. This could be the cause of many things like divorce, and poor job opportunities. Even though the men and the women get divorced the men income still tend to rise. The single parent household that is headed, by a women tend to have a high poverty rate. Twenty nine and nine tenth percent of single parent families are headed by females. African American females are three time to be poor. Black female head 40.8 percent of black households. Women earnings are seventy cents to the dollar to a male worker. Children are also affected by the single parent families and are the cause of high poverty rate. Children make up 26 percent of the United States population. But they make up forty percent of the poor population. This means that 18.9 percent of all children are poor. Fifty five percent of these children are under six years old. The infantalization of poverty is the fastest growing group in poverty. This can be caused by divorce, wedlock, or a death of a parent. Children out of wedlock are more likely to be poor than any other children. There are many myths about poverty that may lead some people on. One myth is that many people think that the poor do not want to work. In reality, 41 percent of the poor worked and 13 percent of the poor work full time. Even though some people can work forty hours a week they still cant make the poverty line. The minimum wage does not keep up with the inflation of the dollar. Only about 3.5 percent of the poor population, can work, but dont. The two earner families are also the fastest growing group in poverty. Another myth is that most people on welfare are cheating the system. This however is not the case, only about five percent actually cheat the system. This is no more than another government program. The United States is not as generous on the welfare system as it is. The fact is that the United States are very stingy about their welfare system compared to other industrialize nations. Another myth is that people live off the welfare system and doesnt want to get off of it. Most people go off of the welfare within the first two years. They dont want to be on welfare, circumstances put them on it. Like lost job, death of spouse, illness, disability, or a child at home. Some people blame the poverty on the person that is poor. Things they may say would be like, they are too lazy to work or they are taking advantage of the system. These people believe in the person blame approach. The person blame approach focuses on social problems stem from pathological defects in an individual. This approach requires a person to be repaired psychologically in order to fix the social problem. The problem with this is that there is no blame on the persons environment and the social system of society. It is very hard to isolate what has happen in a persons life that caused the problem. It is even harder to fix a persons problem. This would require too many more doctors, institutions, and medical facilities To blame the social system is to take the system blame approach. This means that you are blaming the social problems on a government, a society, and anything else that might act on an individual. System blame stems from situations in which individuals are involved. The problem with system blame is that it leaves off all the blame from the individual, saying that they have no agency, or the ability to act on ones own, no free will. The question that no one ever thinks to ask is: If we had no poverty would we still have the same kind of life. The answer is no. Poverty is a necessary form of the economic and social structure. Without poverty our society would most likely break down and inflation would sky rocket. Think if everybody had a job, money and a good standard of living. Wouldnt that make it harder to find and provide jobs. Employers would have to pay outrageous sums of money so the corporation can hire the employee. This would be a disaster because no one would need to stay at their job if there is no competition for it. The will and hard work of the citizens of this country has work to hard to throw it all away. Poverty effects not only the people who have it, but those who dont want it. In conclusion a poor person is not a diseases, not something that is contagious, but a living thing that everybody should think about. Most poor people are not a bad person, but a person that may have ran into some tough times in their life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

MGT DQ3 WK4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MGT DQ3 WK4 - Essay Example Leaders do the right things and inspire trust; while managers do things right and rely on control. Some of the skills that leaders need to possess include the ability to lead by example by taking the initiative where and when necessary, lending a helping hand, and ensuring that all you do is understandable by those under you. Leaders must be passionate and enthusiastic in order for them to inspire trust. Effective communication and taking responsibility and ownership are other essential skills that leaders need to possess. Leaders must also be able to delegate duties, since they cannot single-handedly do everything. Leaders must also be very honest, brave, organized, know their people, be good listeners, and must be followers, as well (Bennis, 2009). In order for managers to develop and enhance leadership skills, there are certain measures they need to adopt such as considering their employees as valuable assets in the organization, treating them with respect, and guiding them towards the achievement of the organizations goals. Managers also need to be themselves, give due credit to their employees where necessary, communicate effectively, and lead by example (Bennis, 2009). I so doing, they will be able to motivate their employees, communicate with them better, and make their employees trust them. I think that Sir Richard Branson, of Virgin Group is an effective leader. Sir Richard Branson has always let his actions speak for themselves; he has led by example. He is enthusiastic and passionate about his companies, and as a result, he has managed to inspire the trust of, not only his employees, but many other people. He is tenacious, honest, he knows most of his top employees, he is a good listener and most of all; he is a follower and has the ability to delegate; a trait that has enabled him successfully own more than 400 successful

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Religion in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religion in the Workplace - Essay Example As such, practitioners of Buddhism are calm, positive, and centered, especially during stressful incidents or moments that people would normally respond to with anger. In the workplace, Buddhism can bring about numerous positive experiences for both an individual and anyone who happens to communicate with that individual. As in any workplace, stress levels and tempers tend to be high; indeed, it can almost be considered proper workplace conduct to tread with caution around one’s boss or supervisor for fear of upsetting them or getting on their bad side. Someone who follows the practices and tenets of Buddhism will find it easier to respond to people that often let situations, and thus their emotions, get the better of them. Even during a crisis, a Buddhist is able to remain calm and rational. While in the workplace, they can use these practices to help keep a clear mind so that they may focus on their work and not on the negativity that surrounds them.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discussion Questions for Strategic Management Assignment

Discussion Questions for Strategic Management - Assignment Example Terms used to refer to this process or part of includes appraise, analyze, assess critique, examine grade, inspect judge rate rank review study test etc† (Russ-Eft & Preskill, 2009). Evaluation provides a framework for improving works as well as measures to attain the organizational goals as follows: Evaluation provides valuable information to the organization on how to use long term strategic planning and improvements in overall functioning. It helps the areas which need to be improved, strengthened and modified. When the organization adapts to a new environment, there arises a need to change their technologies for which organizational evaluation comes to the rescue. Feedback from evaluations can be a valuable experienced input for future planning. Evaluation helps to keep key information in the right track. Organizational evaluation can be detrimental in some situations if it is not carried out carefully. Evaluation may lead to change or uncomfortable situations inside the or ganization. The outcome might be negative if there is no skilled evaluating team. Inefficiency may lead to increase in cost and time which in turn may affect the overall functioning of the organizations. ... 81). The SWOT analysis (Strength Weakness Opportunity and Threats) is a common tool which facilitates the strategic review of a particular organization. The factors strength and weak ness are considered as internal factors while the latter two are external factors. Strengths can be treated as competitive advantages or positive traits. SWOT analysis is a careful evaluation of an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses as well as environmental opportunities and threats† (Griffin, 2008,  p. 203). The strengths and weaknesses of an organization can be assessed by asking themselves the following questions like What are the strengths of the company? In what areas is the company weak? What does the company do well? What does the company not do well? What resources can the company call upon? How does this compare to their needs? An example of a SWOT analysis of a small firm can be seen as its strengths being extremely qualified staff, an outstanding record of strength and strong financial conditions with little debt. Weakness can be seen to be poor location, public awareness, and inadequate physical facilities. Opportunity is strong economy, large population in that area and closure of few other organizations. Threats are unpopular publicity, new requirements of local governments, opening of new companies in that street and so on. That is the first idea of matching the internal and external parameters in general was transformed in more precise method of SWOT analysis in the 1960’s (Pahl & Richter, 2007, p. 2). Value, rarity, imitability and organizational analysis of resources and capabilities are the four important aspects and have a number of ramifications for the competitive

Friday, July 26, 2019

Attraction and mating Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Attraction and mating - Essay Example Some of the most fundamental issues examined within biological sciences relate to the core concepts of attraction and mating. In general terms mating is understood as the coming together of two opposite sex organisms into a form of copulation that results in reproduction. Attraction is broadly understood as the process wherein these individual creates attract the opposite sex organism that they will copulate with in the act of mating. While these are broad understandings of this terminology, there is also a large amount of scientific research that goes into understanding these elements in terms of the differences and specific elements within species. This essay considers these elements from a variety of perspectives in order to come to a greater understanding of their key elements. In terms of attraction there are a number of broad issues that scientists have identified as key concepts within this field of understanding. One of the primary elements of attraction that has been identif ied is the idea of symmetry. Symmetry is the scientifically research construct wherein animals are more drawn to the symmetrical nature of other animals’ faces and bodies. The theoretical understanding behind this concept is that strong symmetry demonstrates that individuals have demonstrated the ability to go through the development process in a strong fashion and as a result are healthy and demonstrate fertility for mating. A biologist at the University of Mexico stated, "It makes sense to use symmetry variation in mate choice," said evolutionary biologist Randy Thornhill of the University of New Mexico" If you choose a perfectly symmetrical partner and reproduce with them, your offspring will have a better chance of being symmetric and able to deal with perturbations" (Carey 2007). Research has been conducted that has demonstrated that individuals with more symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive by members of the opposite sex. The exact numbers of sexual partne rs vary between men and women, with research indicating symmetry being a more important part of a man’s composition than a woman’s. Another central element of attraction is body shape. In these regards, the waist to hip ratio, or the WHR as it has been referred is one of the primary aspects in these regards. Scientists have even measured the waist to hip ratio that has been shown to be the most effective in attractive members of the opposite sex; in these regards, it has been demonstrated that a waist to hip ratio of .7 is the most effective ratio in which to attract members of the opposite sex. In terms of men, there is what is referred to as the Adonis index. This feature considers that women are most attracted to broad shoulders and a V-neck body shape wherein from the torso to the pelvis a V neck tapers of through muscle and skeletal structure. In addition to this element men are also judged by their waist to hip ratio. In these regards, the most effective waist to hip ratio for men is slightly larger than that of women. For men the ideal ratio is between .8 and 1.0. While there are a number of elements that scientists have attempted to discern in the waist to hip ratio’s relation to attractiveness, research has focused on a few specific points. One of the primary determinants is the belief that the waist to hip ratio functions to allow potential partners know if the individual will have enough energy to be able to care for their offspring. For women, this involves a complex interaction between estrogen and fat deposits that send signals to the opposite sex as to if they will have the proper energy necessary for reproduction and offspring care. For men, this relation is between testosterone and fat deposits. It’s been demonstrated that individuals residing in this ideal waist to hip ratio face less challenges with diseases, such as cardiovascular and other such complications; women in this range have also been demonstrated to ha ve an easier time during pregnancy. There also exists elements of related to attraction and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analysis of Market Structures and Relating Pricing Strategies Research Paper

Analysis of Market Structures and Relating Pricing Strategies - Research Paper Example The decision of what the price for any given product or commodity should be made often has little to do with what it actually costs to produce and distribute a particular product. Fixed costs such as these are invariably influenced by the surrounding market structure in which the enterprise must operate. An evaluation must be made concerning what effect competitors will exert upon the market in which the firm operates. This becomes at least as important as any material production costs. Different strategies must be depending upon how other sellers are likely to react and what effect these sellers are able to exert upon the particular firm in question. The ability to shape the marketplace is an essential characteristic underscoring any market strategy, even as the rival firms try to do the same. It is necessary to cultivate an understanding of what effect the target firm's choices will have on the market place and how this interplay controls the behavior of other sellers, if any influ ence is meaningful (Samuelson & Marks, 2012) Depending on the political and economic environments in which the target firm finds itself, there is the possibility that other firms are effectively invisible, or remain so powerful that no plausible action can change the market. Relative to the status and assets of the target firm, other competitors may prove to be so small that their behavior has no discernible impact on the larger marketplace in which the target firm operates. In this case, it is possible to adjust prices in order to capitalize on opportunities to deliver the product or service in question – with concern only for what the law and buyer can pay. The other possibility is a setting, in which competing firms exist, that are so large and powerful relative to the target company that virtually no pricing decision will change the fundamental forces of supply and demand within the economic theater. This constitutes the reverse of the previous situation, and short-term o pportunities should be considered in this case, resulting in a different strategic environment with respect to pricing decisions. The interplay can become especially complicated in the third environment, in which the other sellers delivering the commodity in question are of approximately equal size to the target firm and are, therefore, influential and influenced by one another. Each company must be concerned only partially with real costs in terms of the physical delivery of goods and services, but must instead constrain oneself based on the behavior of competitors of equal size. In this case, physical production costs may have renewed importance because the firm capable of reducing them can command an obvious advantage over its rivals. Yet such gains may be temporary as this will prompt competing operations into a drive of innovative cost-cutting, which in a competitive marketplace is likely to be ongoing. The interaction of supply and demand colors each of these scenarios. A riva l firm exponentially larger than a given target firm has the potential to be much more competitive. If the disparity is too great, even if the target firm is able to deliver a commodity at a lower price, it would not be able to meet the demand already supplied by the much larger firm. Here is a problem of "getting a foot in the door," and regardless of

Power and Privilege in Conflict Resolution Essay

Power and Privilege in Conflict Resolution - Essay Example In his article â€Å"Power and Conflicts†, Coleman clearly outlines how power is related to conflict resolution. According to him, there are different ways of defining power which could be power over, power with and dependence and powerless. He says that in conflict resolution, when one of the conflicting parties feels that the solution that is reached gives the other party power over them, the resolution is not satisfactory. This means that the same kind of conflict is likely to arise in future. In order to reach a lasting resolution, competition should not be created in resolving conflicts, and the parties involved should not feel like they are in a win-lose position. There should be more emphasis on promoting cooperation, independent power and shared power. It is also evident that the people who possess power have a tendency to justify having this power and using it in the manner that they feel fit. They are also not willing to share this power with those they perceive to b e powerless. The parties with low power on the other hand are likely to show discontentment with their situation and are shortsighted. They in most cases roll their discontentment to people who have less power than them (Coleman 12). This ruins their chances of being empowered and makes it even harder for the conflicts to be resolved. It is only through coalition building and cooperation where power is neutralized that conflicts can be resolved completely. Privileges also play a vital role in conflict resolution since they give power to the privileged and take power from the underprivileged. In dealing with conflicts that come with one party having power over the others because of one being privileged, there are certain things that need to be considered. For instance, gender equality has been a source of conflict for many years. Women complain of not being equally treated in education, work and other situation. Dealing with this kind of situation would require that the men acknowled ge the fact that they are privileged and accept to lose some of the privileges in order to resolve the conflict (McIntosh 3). This is because in most cases, although it may be universally acknowledged that women are under-privileged, men would not agree to the fact that they are privileged. This could be the reason why we are still very far away from dealing with the issue of gender equality. The question of truth and morality is an intricate one and it is crucial to understand this relationship in conflict resolution. This is especially based on the fact that a person may have wrong motives but his actions lead to good results while another one may have good intention but the ends become terrible. Truth is thus the harsh reality that people have to live with while morality is judged in terms of good intentions (Kriesberg, 3). Truth and morality are related to conflict resolution in the sense that morality and truth seeks to social justice and reconciliation and conflict resolutions are part of this quest. Take the example of the situation where single mothers who do not

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Law Evidence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Law Evidence - Case Study Example So although Dennis states that we could include inadmissible evidence, it does not in essence be correct with the system in its fairness. However, Osborn argues that since the courts have been unwilling to set down guidelines as far as the interpretation of the section on improperly obtained evidence therefore we "are left to analyze the case law in order to predict in what circumstances the discretion may arise (1). Here the argument supports Dennis'claim that this form of retrieving evidence can never be lawful since we are left to decide the accused outcome based confessions, which arguably would have been excluded at common law in any event, on account of their inherent unreliability (Osborn,76). Evidence obtained in this fashion suggest quite evidently as Dennis stated they lack the moral functions even though it is evidence but we still have to uphold the law. In R v Nathaniel the accused had given a blood sample four years earlier when being investigated for two other rapes. The police had told him that the sample would be destroyed if he was found not guilty of those crimes. When due to an administrative error it was not, and was later used to convict him of a third unrelated rape, the Court of Appeal excluded the evidence."(Osborn,82) There is the universal issue of justice and fairness to both parties in the trial . English judges are not prompt to exclude real evidence which has been illegally obtained (Osborn, 78). There i s considerable favoritism that the courts have a right to every piece of evidence that could likewise tip the scales in favor.(78) The court decides whether they want to make the evidence legally feasible or dismiss it altogether. Their decision though fair in its essence lacks lacks the justice put forth by Ian Dennis for the outcome as to the verdict."Equating a criminal trial to a sporting match which has no correct outcome and only an actual one, demeans the court process and necessitates forsaking the central purpose of the trial-the just determination of guilt or innocence."(Osborn, 80) So in the bargain when you obtain a conviction it can never be legal because of the type of evidence involved. Andrew Choo gave us three possible reasons behind exclusion of illegally obtained evidence on the grounds of unfairness-deterrence, compensation and repute.(Osborn,97). So in the meantime these hinder reliability, protection (which includes compensation of the victim and broader considerations of judicial integrity.(97) This undoubtedly supports Ian Dennis' arguments that the legal system here cannot be expressed openly. Mary Hunter claims that a search of LEXIS reveals that between January 1986 and May 1992, there were 106 such cases, giving credence to the claim that PACE has widened the scope of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Verizon Comunication Inc Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Verizon Comunication Inc - Research Proposal Example Whereas according to the RSI (Relative strength Index) the company share was over bought on 1st April 2008 and hence to maintain it normal level the share price came down. Fundamental: The Verizon Communication price share fell down by 23 cent to drop down at a level of US$35.73. The reason behind this downward movement is the investor concern over earnings of the telecommunication companies as well as the skyrocketing oil prices. Technical: The share fall due to correction in the market and it dropped to its support level of 10-day moving average. Also as we can see from the graph at ( the 10 day moving average just cut down the 50 days moving average on 17 April, 2008 and forced the share price to come down accordingly. Fundamental: The Verizon Communication share price jumped 26 cent to the level of US$38.21. The reason behind this jump is the solid earning from the company for the first quarter, this solid earning control the investor worries towards slowing down economy. Technical: If we look at the graph we would be able to find out that the 10 days moving average crossed the 50 ay moving average in upward direction which is a sign of bullish pattern for the share. Also the higher volume on 28th April, 2008 pushed the share price up on 29th. Fundamental: The Verizon Communication share price dropped down by 1 cent. The reason behind this drop is the poor show by telecom companies, the quarterly earning of some low cost wireless carrier seen as a disappointment from the investor and resulted into 1 cent down for the

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Right of Children and Young Person Essay Example for Free

The Right of Children and Young Person Essay This was aimed at understanding children better and for the Filipino teacher to be more aware of the children’s rights. The code contained the following provision: To understand and help children better, it is important for every Filipino teacher to be cognizant of such rights. The provisions of the Code regarding such rights are as follows: All children shall be entitled o the rights herein set forth without distinction as to legitimacy, sex, social status, religion, political antecedents, and other factors. 1. Every child is endowed with dignity and worth of a human being from the moment of his conception, as generally accepted in medical parlance, and has therefore, the right to be born well. 2. Every child has the right to a wholesome family life that will provide him with love, care and understanding, guidance and counseling, moral and material security. . Every child has the right to a well-rounded development of his personality to the end that he may become a happy, useful, and active member of society. 4. Every child has the right to a balance diet, adequate clothing, sufficient shelter, proper medical attention, and all the basic physical requirements of a healthy and vigorous life. 5. Every child has the right to be brought up in an atmosphere of morality and rectitude for the enrichment and the strengthening of his character. 6. Every child has the right to an education commensurate with his ability and to the development of his skills for the improvement of his capacity for service to himself and his fellowmen. 7. Every child has the right to full opportunities for safe and wholesome recreation and activities, individual as well as social, for the wholesome use of his leisure hours. 8. Every child has the right to protection against exploitation , improper influences, hazards, and the other conditions or circumstances prejudicial to his physical, mental, emotional, social , and moral development.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady, Selina Hastings Analysis

Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady, Selina Hastings Analysis Humans are very complex beings. From sentience arrives emotions, both negative and positive, which create the beings we know as our friends, our enemies, and the rest of the world. In this rendition of the classic work Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady, Selina Hastings reinvents two characters from the medieval tale of King Arthur, including the King and Sir Gawain. In this legend, King Arthur meets a mysterious rogue knight when separated from his men on a hunt during the Christmas season. The knight hands him a riddle, What women desire most, in which he must solve in three days time, or else the rogue knight will slay him and take possession of his kingdom. Eventually, King Arthur encounters a woman who can accurately answer the riddle, although she herself is a disgusting old hag. What is even more horrendous is that she offers a high price for her services: The hand of a knight in marriage. Arthur reluctantly accepts, and defeats the rogue knights riddle. As Arthur arrives safely back to the castle, Sir Gawain agrees to become the ugly womans husband, for the honour of his king. Although initially unhappy, Gawains mood is altered for the better when his bride turns out to have been under a curse, and is actually a beautiful lady. In order to permanently rid her of the curse, Gawain gives his wife what all women desire, to have her own way. Throughout this tale, Sir Gawain is depicted to be a courageous, arrogant, immature, and loyal knight, effectively making him a multifaceted character. Sir Gawain is obviously a very courageous man. As stated, he is usually the first to come forward to the king when the king requires an undertaker for a quest. King Arthur had not even ventured into the details of the endeavour, when Sir Gawain burst out, Sire, I beg you, let me defend you! Grant me the quest' (Hastings 179). This proves his courage, since he seems to be willing to tackle any problem, even if the details are unclear. Sir Gawain only further proves his mettle when he proposes to the Loathly Lady, who is able to make the other knights sit as Stills as statues, [and] hardly able to believe their eyes (Hastings 179). Madam, [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] will you honour me with your hand in marriage' (Hastings 179) was the line possibly well-rehearsed by Gawain, but however, to be able to speak it so fluently and so convincingly under the hideous gaze of the Loathly Lady is certainly a feat not to take lightly. Based on the above examples, Sir Gawains courage is a force to be reckone d with, as it seems to be able to overrule his common sense. Being at foundation a man, it seems he has a less knightly characteristic: an overwhelming sense of arrogance, displaying his multifaceted personality. When King Arthur finally explains the quest, Gawain looked stunned, but his spirit never faltered (Hastings 179). Upon hearing the fact that he must propose, he faltered, as he and his pride were prepared for battle, not for something as unexpected as a marriage to an abhorrent bride . As a result of being the only volunteer and as a victim of knightly chivalry, he was forced to marry the Loathly Lady, and as a consequence of the self-embarrassment, his pride suffered. In shock of his actions, he moved through his wedding in a trance. After the wedding, he thought to himself, Was he to spend the rest of his life shackled to a creature more hideous than the demon of a nightmare (Hasting 180). Upon his courage intercepting his mind and causing him to propose to the Loathly Lady, his inner sense of pride was disintegrating. In order for him to be so dismayed, he must have had inner thoughts that he would court a beautiful young lady, instead of an ugly old hag. Upon realizing the reality of his situation, he must have noticed the cons of having such an unappealing bride, in which every solution resulted in having to hide the Loathly Lady, therefore deducting an aspect of adulthood, demoralizing him and stripping him of what little may have been left with his arrogance. Due to this episode, Gawains pride as a member of the round table was temporarily diminished. His courage and arrogance may be explained by another trait he houses: his immaturity as the youngest Knight of the Round Table in the castle of Carlisle. When the king explains he does not know how he may save his honour, Sir Gawain leapt up, scattering the ivory chessmen at his feet (Hastings 179). As he was the only knight the rush to the kings aid, it is clear he lacks experience, since no other knight had done the same. Another contributing factor is the fact that he is very superficial, only studying appearances instead of personalities. When The pair [Gawain and the transformed Loathly Lady] were so happy and so much in love (Hastings 181), it is obvious that their love cannot be anything deep, since they only met the day before the quote, so their love is a shallow, sexual love, rather than a deep romantic love. Being young, immaturity is unavoidable. His final trait, which is the most obvious of all characteristics among a group of knights, is their loyalty, more specifically to their king. As previously stated, he is always the first to come forward (Hastings 179). Along with being courageous, this statement may also represent loyalty, as he takes it upon himself to help the King in whatever way he can. After hearing the quest Gawain had replied Take me to her, Sire, [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] I will marry her tomorrow.' (Hastings 179), which continues to prove his strong sense of loyalty, which prevents his arrogance from allowing him to refuse, and keeps his courage at a constantly effective level. Sir Gawains loyalty keeps a constant hold upon him. The knight, Sir Gawain is a multifaceted character, since he is loyal as he is arrogant and courageous as he is immature. He obeys all orders given to him by the king, but his sense of pride is at the same time corrupted by the arrival of his loathly wife. His courage is tested to the limit when he marries the Loathly Lady, but when the Loathly Ladys curse was broken, it shows how shallow Gawain really is, displaying immaturity. By incorporating a mix of positive and negative traits into the composition of Sir Gawains personality, Selina Hastings has effectively recreated the complex character of a human being. It illustrates the nature of human life, as nobody is perfect.


COLLABORATIVE PRACTICE IN MENTAL HEALTH This assignment will be based on collaborative working, it will be in two sections, section one will look at definition of collaboration and will then address the highlighted issues within collaboration such as a need for and applying inter professional collaboration between mental health service providers and the way they collaborate with service users and their families which is required by the Department of Health (DoH 1990/91 to 1999/1999a). Within this section will be a brief outline of issues that are relevant to the DoH such as policy initiatives that advocate collaboration within and between teams as well as other service providers. Section one will also look at the barriers, difficulties and challenges that has been highlighted with the usage of effective collaboration workings between both multi professionals and service users. Section two will hopefully show my own personal experience of collaboration through the critical summary of my reflections which i have used The Gibbs (1998) model of reflection (see appendices 1-3) this has been based on my learning experiences during the course involved client assessment and the implementation of their care and treatment packages. Within this section the critical scrutiny will involve re-examining my skills in working collaboratively with both clients and multi-disciplinary team (MDT), within the framework of mental health care, identifying areas for additional development. It must be prominent that the names of all persons contained within this part of the assignment are illusory due to confidentiality which remains in accordance with the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC 2008) The Code. Part 1: Defining collaboration outline of issues The literal translation of collaboration from the Latin is together in labour, whilst the dictionary definition of to collaborate is to work with another or others on a project (Chambers 1999). However, Clifford (2000 pp103) in re-iterating Henneman et als. (1995) earlier argument stated that, in practice, the process of defining collaboration remained a complex, sophisticated, vague and highly variable phenomenon, which often resulted in inappropriate usage of the term, as issues relating to collaboration were (and still are) referred to using a range of terms, all intended to indicate broadly similar processes e.g.: inter-professional/multidisciplinary, inter-agency/multi-agency, intersectional, teamwork co-operation. However, Hall Weavers (2001) conclusion that although both require people to work together (sharing information, knowledge skills) in achieving common goals, inter-agency partnerships are created at a formal organisational level (service planning), whilst multi/int er-professional collaboration involves different professionals working directly to achieve service-user care/treatment, seems to sum up differences in concept/process Barret et al. (2005) have concluded that in practice even if the composition of team(s) or group(s) varies, these indicate similar ideas of collaborative effort, which Hall Weaver (2001) stressed required co-ordination in order to ensure that each professionals effort is acted upon and that each is aware of what the others are doing. The move towards interagency (across health social care boundaries), multidisciplinary (within between teams) collaboration, began with the shift in emphasis from institutional to community-based care, when it was felt that the demarcations and hierarchical relations between professions were neither sustainable nor appropriate (Barr et al. 1999 Sibbald, 2000) new ways of working that crossed professional boundaries, had to be found, to facilitate a more flexible approach to care delivery (Malin et al., 2002). Thus the promotion of inter-professional working in the delivery of healthcare has long been regarded by the DOH, theorists practitioners as of great importance, in providing a better quality of service, as highlighted by the NMC (2008) and in UK government policy over the last two decades, at least. However Whitehead (2000), also highlighted the fact that one example of team working that was surprisingly neglected in the nursing literature of the time, was the partnership between client and nurse, which she argued should be regarded as part of the collaborative framework as well as in a team context. Although, Whitehead (2000) highlighted the fact that client-professional collaboration was neglected in the (nursing) literature of the time, which she argued was an important element, it should be noted that this was not neglected by the DOH in their policy guidance documents for all mental health workers the DOH has consistently highlighted the need to collaborate with service-users /or their family/carer. For example the Care Program Approach (CPA), its up-date Effective Care-coordination (ECC) the National Service Framework for Mental Health ({NSFMH}: DOH; 1990/1991, 1997, 1999/1999a) all specified the need for all service providers to work with their clients, highlighting the belief that such collaboration increased client satisfaction and improved client engagement. However, research by e.g. the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (SCMH 1998, 2003) the DOH (e.g. 2006a) identified that neither the CPA or the ECC initiatives where working there has now been a return to the or iginal principles of the CPA (DOH 2008/9) in an effort to address problems further emphasise the need for collaboration between service-providers with service-users in providing evidence-based agreed care/treatment packages. The rationale for such policy stems from the recognized need to break-down organizational barriers between health social-care services in particular to ensure that service-users received adequate care/support/treatment through integrated services (DOH 1997, 1998/1998a) that they were involved in the planning delivery of care (DOH 1998b). However, as the SCMH (2001/2002) identified in their Keys to Engagement, such changes/initiatives required specific skills for mental health workers (see appendix 4), particularly if the targets of the NSF for Mental Health were to be achieved. Based in this document the DOH (2004) identified core skills/competencies required by all mental health workers to work with each other with service-users in achieving evidence-based outcomes for nurses the Values-to-action document (DOH 2006b) further emphasised the need for such knowledge skills/competencies in the application of an holistic approach based in the Recovery Model. This document is further supported by the NMCs (2008) revised code which reiterates their consistent requirement that nurses should not only work with their peers, but also with other professionals and importantly with clients in developing their care-package in relation to community mental health nurses (CMHNs) one role that was introduced through the NSFMH and ECC guidelines (DOH 1999/1999a) was that of the care-coordinator (previously key-worker), for the DOH acknowledged the CMHNs central position suitability for this role (OCarroll Park 2007). Effective care-coordinators, all nurses, as with other professionals, must appreciate the roles of the other members of the MDT, and possess excellent communication collaborative skills (Bonney. in Davis OConnor 1999, Hadland 2004, Stuart 2005), as emphasised by the DOH (2004, 2006), SCMH (2001) NMC (2008). However, as e.g. Hudson (2002), Hadland (2004) Whitehead (2001) identified besides the benefits of collaboration, a variety of barriers exist, in relation to service-providers, hindering the developments of close collaborative relationships (see appendix 5) However, given the above changes have been proposed to implement across professional common foundation programme of training of all healthcare workers to enhance inter-disciplinary communication (NHS Plan: in Lilley. 2001) although these have been introduced (to varying degrees) within approved educational institutions, the DOH (2008) have now acknowledged that simply providing definitions guidelines regarding the skills required for collaboration /or for a particular role (e.g. the care-coordinator-Nb1) within the collaborative process, although it remains to be seen if their initiatives to address this will have a positive effect. Relating to the role of the nurse as care-coordinator/key-worker, as long ago as 1984 Benner considered that, nurses played an essential role in the management of care of patients both as coordinators and educators, which in line with NMC requirements means that they e.g.: Keep-up-to-date with the latest developments in care and local and National policies to ensure their practice conform to the standards of clinical governance Be central to the MDT to ensure that the patient is the focus of that care This also means that nurses are required to persist in their attempts to actively engage all clients in the shared development or their care-packages, even when clients may be unable or unwilling (at least initially) to become involved (Thurgood 2004) for as the SCMH (2005) argued by 2015, not only should every patient have a comprehensive, tailored care plan, they should have taken the lead in determining how they want their needs to be met according to the NHS plan (1998). Nb1:It should be noted that s/he is not one who simply follows an established pathway but someone who challenges existing practice and leads the way in developing new evidence-based clinically effective care (Seaman in Smith M: 1999:1998). Part 2: Collaborative Skills (see appendices 1-3 for full reflections) The following summarises my insights into my learning/learning needs regarding collaborative skills use relating to firstly my involvement in the collaborative assessment, planning implementation of the treatment/care provided for Jane, a patient within an acute forensic inpatient psychiatric unit (reflections 1-2) secondly the collaboration between my mentor, the team myself to achieve my set mutually agreed learning outcomes whilst on placement. Reflections regarding Janes assessment care plan implementation. Before conducting the initial assessment with Jane, under supervision, I was conscious of the requirements of the NSFMH the then ECC guidelines (DOH 1999/1999a/b) that the assessment must be comprehensive in order for the MDT to develop an appropriate care package. I was also conscious that this required not only my use of effective communication skills with Jane, but also with the nursing and multidisciplinary team members (SCMH 2001, DOH 2004, 2006b). in order for the assessment data to be used as a basis for Janes initial care-plan, which would allow for further assessment data to be gathered prior to her MDT review. While both Barker (2003 Stuart (2005) stated that psychiatric care requires the completion of an assessment of the clients bio-psycho-social status, Barker also asserted that the way in which an assessment is carried out and the methods used in the process make it a worthwhile exercise or largely a waste of time. Therefore I was conscious of the need to not only adhere to the ECC framework but also to the Best practice competencies guidelines for pre-registration mental health nurses (DOH 2006) and those of the NMC (2008) guidelines for students. NMC (2009) I also found that the experience afforded me the opportunity of using in-depth specialist assessment tools like the START Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability (Mental health and addiction services online 2010) in further enhancing the basic ECC assessment framework a guide to areas requiring further discussion and as the START (see appendix 6) focused on risk pertinent to mentally ill offenders I found it useful also discovered that its use was being researched by this other special hospitals, for validity reliability. This I realised was important an assessment management of risk (to the patient /or others) can never be 100% (Morgan Wetherell 2004) therefore valid assessment tools collaborative in-put by the team the patient should be fundamental to risk-management strategies, which should also involve positive risk-taking (DOH 2007, 2008). Even in the absence of identified risk this need for collaboration is further supported by specific National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidelines (NICE 2009) on care provision /or treatment for a variety of client groups specific disorders including: Schizophrenia which applied to Jane. As indicated, the NMC (2008) also requires nurses to work with clients as partners; and there is widespread agreement that mental health service-users and their carers should be fully involved in care planning as this increases their satisfaction and engagement with services (Warner 2005, Rose 2003, SCMH 2009) This involves identifying their preference regarding care the START facilitated this by identifying Janes needs, as Janes key-coordinator it was my (supervised) role to ensure that all due procedure was carried out regarding recording of the outcomes which also included the planning of therapeutic engagement. Record keeping, if accurate, topical comprehensive facilitates collaboration with the team (NMC 2005) Any assessment also requires that the nurse use her observation skills (Barker, 2003, OCarroll Park 2007, Stuart 2005b), which I feel also facilitated my engagement with Jane in the process of deciding together and with the team the best potential strategies to facilitate development of her on-going care-package. Further, although I was aware of Janes history apparent paranoia, despite an aggressive incident during this time (see appendices 1-2) I also realised that to work effectively with Jane that I needed to put my personal feelings aside (Stuart 2005b) and on further reflection, I feel that I was eventually able to therapeutically work with Jane in her on-going assessment care-planning Theoretical knowledge and experience are required to make informed decisions in deciding a plan of action for patients (Stuart 2005a, NMC 2007/8, DOH 2004, 2006) Further although we no-longer utilise the nursing process in statutory mental health services I realised that the ECC/CPA framework is based in the same principles Wilkinsons (2007) argument that the nursing process promotes collaboration, remains pertinent, for when team members have an organised approach, communication is good, and patient problems are prevented. Similarly the ability to transfer/adapt knowledge and skills, especially communication skills, based in self-awareness, mutual-trust and understanding of each others roles facilitates effective collaboration with different people in different situations (Hadland 2004, NMC 2008, Onyett 2004, Stuart 2005a/b) and are required competencies by the DOH (2004 2006). The (NMC, 2008) also make it clear that nurses must always act on what they believe to be the service-users best interests, and the Healthcare Commissions (2005b) core standards emphasise the need for employers to ensure that employees follow their professional codes . As indicated MDT collaboration regarding Jane, began before the formal review meeting, however when I formally presented my initial and on-going assessment findings to the team, using guidelines from The New Ways of Working programme (DOH, 2005b), I encountered barriers to collaboration with Jane in this process, which were primarily due to legal and safety requirements of the environment (Mersey Care Risk Management Policy and Strategy, 2007 DOH 2007) I found that Jane was prevented from attending because the review was held in a non-secure area of the hospital. Although I understand the rationale behind this although an advocacy service is provided for patients to overcome this, none was made available for Jane I still feel that other strategies to overcome the problem should be developed, for as the SCMH (1998) Rose (2003) identified this lack of patient involvement by services was an area of complaint by service-users. Reflections on support for my learning: I feel that I was effective in utilising the skills outlined above in respect of gaining Janes positive and collaborative engagement with me and the strategies agreed by the MDT. To help me develop my self-awareness and skills in relation to such issues, and those outlined above I found that keeping a reflective diary at this placement, was a crucial way of ensuring critical events that needed further review, to benefit my practice, would not be forgotten. Keeping a structured reflective diary facilitates further review (either alone or with a supervisor) of experiences from which the practitioner can learn improve his/her practice (Gibbs 1998, Kirby Hart 2004, Norman Ryrie 2004) throughout my experiences my mentor has proven to be a valuable resource, without whose support I feel collaboration with both Jane and the MDT would have been significantly more difficult. It is the responsibility of the student mentor to work together in identif ying learning needs strategies to achieve them (NMC 2008 2009) Conclusion: In addition to my personal reflections and supervised experiences, which gave me the opportunity to better understand the roles of other team members and helped create a collaborative partnership between people with varying knowledge, skills and perspectives (Hornby Atkins 2000, Nancarrow 2004), I feel that the opportunity for clinical supervision with my mentor has played an important part in my role development. Finally one specific criticism of the collaborative process I have concerns the lack of collaboration with families and carers, as their involvement I feel was actively discouraged, unless clients gave their permission for this (which I have found is not unique to this placement), with the only information given being visiting arrangements and telephone numbers. Although confidentiality patient rights have to be considered (NMC 2008) (Mental health act 2009), I have found that they are never invited to the MDT meetings, Yet the DOH (e.g. 2005) state that to work effective ly in partnership with service-users and carers, it is essential that we are able to form and sustain relationships and offer meaningful choice.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Hellenistic Homemaker Essay -- Marriage Athenian Women Papers

The Hellenistic Homemaker In both Xenophon’s Oeconomicus and Lysias’ defense of Euphiletus’ murder of Eratosthenes, insight into the purpose and function of Athenian marriage may be gained by examination of the speeches of two citizens about their wives and their homes. Through both texts, it becomes apparent that the citizen’s value of his wife is based upon his wife’s ability as an â€Å"oikonomikos† or â€Å"skilled household manager† (Strauss, 3). It is through filling this role as her husband’s housekeeper that an Athenian woman experienced a loss of personal freedom and found herself trapped within a marriage in which she had little contact or much in common with her husband. A woman’s role as oikonomikos is described by Euphiletus’ address of an Athenian citizen-jury and by Socrates’ discourse with Ischomachos, through which he strives to understand the best way by which a household may be managed. An Athenian marriage was formed to unite a household, or â€Å"oikos†, with an overseer to manage it. This housekeeper was responsible for maintaining the wealth of the oikos, serving as manager over the servants of the oikos, and, by providing heirs, assuring that the oikos would continue to exist and grow in the future. Socrates believed that â€Å"†¦while the possessions usually come into the house through the man’s actions, they are expended for the most part in the course of the woman’s housekeeping; and when these things turn out well, the households increase†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Xenophon, III.11). A good oikonomikos was essential for the proper function of the home. Marriage existed as a business agreement between a husband and his in-laws, who negotiated it, and between a husband and his wife, who maintained it. The marriage was first arranged bet... ...en is well described through the requirements of being a good housekeeper- they must be young, uneducated, fertile, submissive, and remain in the home. In order to fill these roles well, Xenophon, in his Oeconomicos, and Lysias, through his defense of Euphiletus, show that women must necessarily experience a loss of freedom in order to maintain the virtues of an oikonomikos, and that also as a result of filling this house-manager role, they are so far removed from their husbands mentally and in daily experience because of age and custom, that romantic love would be inhibited. Works Cited Freeman, Kathleen. The Murder of Herodes and Other Trials from the Athenian Law Courts. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. 1991. Strauss, Leo. Xenophon’s Socratic Discourse: An Interpretation of the Oeconomicus. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Friday, July 19, 2019

King Leopold II and Belgian Imperialism Essay -- European History Essa

King Leopold II and Belgian Imperialism In 1865, King Leopold II succeeded his father to the thrown of Belgium and thus began one of the most brutal and insensitive periods of imperialism ever to exist. From manipulative treaties to straight forward intimidation, Leopold dominated his empire like no other. He was cruel, deceptive, and downright evil, yet it took the world over twenty years to recognize this. The record of King Leopold’s atrocity is an interesting account of how a jealous man could inflict some of the most disgusting forms of oppression upon his fellow members of the human race. When Leopold came to power in 1865, he was incredibly disappointed at Belgium’s lack of power in the imperial world. Every other western European nation by had this time had taken on colonies as part of their empire; and therefore had been acquiring incredible wealth due to their new markets and exploitation of the native peoples they encountered. Belgium, itself, was a small country, and unlike their neighboring nations, they had not yet entered into the colonial scene. This all changed when the famous explorer Henry M. Stanley accepted Leopold’s proposal to return to the Congo acting as an agent of the crown whose mission was to obtain the signatures of all the native chieftains living in the Congo. Using despicable and manipulative tactics, Stanley was able to acquire over 450 treaties which paved the way for the declaration of nearly one million square miles of the Congo River Basin as the property of King Leopold II. The land Leopold had obtained was about eighty times larger than that of Belgium itself. Plus, Leopold was proclaimed the â€Å"sovereign† ruler of all the Congo Free Sta... ...Bibliography â€Å"Africa Imperialism† History of Imperialism. 1998-2002. 5 Oct. 2002. Constitutional Rights Foundation. 2000. 5 Oct. 2002 <>. â€Å"Leopold II- King of the Belgians† World History: King Leopold’s heart of Darkness. 2000. 5 Oct. 2002 Other Sources This link brings the leader to a website consisting of many links regarding African Imperialism. This link brings the reader to a website focusing on King Leopold II of Belgium. This link provides the reader with a short biography of King Leopold II.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Critical Discussion of Blaise Pascals The Wager Essay -- Pascal Go

A Critical Discussion of Blaise Pascal's The Wager   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the gambling world bets are made based on odds, the probability or likelihood that something would happen. In the court of law, cases are decided upon by the weight of evidence presented by the respective parties. The common link between these general scenarios is that decisions are made based on some outside evidential factor. The more probable something is likely to happen, or the more evidence presented in favor or opposed to something, the greater the tendency that a decision will coincide with that probability or evidence. This kind of logic has also been used when arguing about the existence of God. It has been argued that God’s existence is necessary based on the logic that it is neither contingent not impossible and therefore must exist; it has also been argued that the presence of evil in the world is evidence enough that God, or at least God as we make Him out to be, does not exist. The decisions that people a make about their personal relationship with the being that has been dubbed â€Å"God† is usually based on this kind of criteria. But what if someone were to make a decision concerning God’s existence without having any evidence to sway us, how would that someone choose? This problem is addressed by Blaise Pascal in his essay entitled The Wager. Pascal argues that the only rational choice to make about the existence of God with no evidence would be to believe that He does. The following pages of this essay will be a critical analysis and also critique of Pascal’s argument, for it is the argument of the author of this paper that a sincere decision would be impossible under these circumstances and without evidence we would not be able to make a rational choice concerning the issue of God’s existence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before the discussion is started let me first clarify some terminology is order to make my argument more clear. In my thesis statement I offered the premise that when given to the criteria put forth by Pascal that a sincere decision about belief in God would be impossible. By sincere decision I mean a decision that you can evaluate and reevaluate against anything that claims the opposite and still be able to hold to it. If you have a belief based on a decision that stems from no evidence then you have nothing to evaluate it by, so that belief cannot be sincere, it is merely a blind ch... ... of someone else. If you choose to change your actions, you will only change in a way that still lets you hold to your belief, a belief that has shown to be beneficial based on evidence not on some yet to be seen reward.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To close this paper and stop the what could be a continuous rant against Pascal, it is pretty obvious that the issue of God, his existence, and whether or not we should believe will forever be a perennial issue. Pascal, Aquinas, James, or even myself can write essays until we run out of paper and printer ink, but the only thing that would accomplish is further add to the already ample confusion and conflict on this issue. Although Pascal offers a very simple reason of why we should believe in God, it is all to simple. And while I offer nothing but criticisms for his argument, I cannot myself offer a more sound argument that would less susceptible to the same kinds of criticisms I just wrote concerning The Wager. Works Cited 1. Pascal, Blaise. â€Å"The Wager: Philosophy of Religion Selected Readings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oxford University Press, 1996: New York, New York. 2. Holy Bible. Book of James Chapter 1, Verse 12; First Corinthians Chapter 10   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Verse 13.

Confidential Industrial Application Form

Return completed applications to [email  protected] Co. UK Application for the role of: Date of Application Candidate Number (Office use only) Personal Title: First name(s): Last name: Address: Post Code: Home Telephone: Mobile: Textron: Email: Work We may need to contact you during office hours (with discretion) National Insurance Number: Do you have any friends or relatives who work for First Response Recruitment Limited?Please specify; Date of Birth: Emergency contact (Please give details of a family member or friend who we can contact if necessary) Education, qualifications and training Include qualifications obtained and any other training courses attended. Dates Professional Qualifications held Please give details (if applicable) Employment history Current or most recent employment first Please note; We need a minimum of 26 weeks employment history, Fill out a section for all periods of no work.If you have been working for an Employment Agency you need to complete a section f or each contract you have worked on for the agency. Start Date Finish Date Employment Status Permanent Temp Through Gag Temp with Company Contract No Work (provide Reason) Sick Jury Service Maternity Leave Other (please Sate) Company Name Company Address Contact Name Telephone Agency Name Agency Address Position Brief Summary of Duties Salary / Rate & Benefits Reason For Leaving Please ask for additional forms if required.I hereby confirm the employment details provided is a true and accurate reflection of my employment history to date. Signed Interviewer Initials (Please do not sign this now, we will run through your history with you first during your interview) References: First Response Recruitment Limited will not offer you any work at all, unless we can obtain two years worth of references, these will be taken prior to any work or role been offered, for temporary workers only. References (2) years worth is required, you must complete this section Please give details of two refe rees who are able to comment on your work ability.One referee should be your current or most recent, employer. References must cover the last two years of employment and must not be provided by a family member or relative. You will not be offered ANY role or assignment without these references being on file. Name: Employer's name and address: Postcode: Relationship of Referee to you: We need to obtain the reference prior to you working for us If you cannot complete this section, you need to advise the Consultant or the Administrator.We will have no option but to cancel the application if you cannot provide information that is vital to our quality checks and screening process. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DAD) & Amended Act 2005 First Response Recruitment Limited has a policy of interviewing applicants who have a disability and who meet the essential short listing criteria. The DAD 1995 & 2005 defines disability as a â€Å"physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and Eng-term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day to day activities†.Do you consider yourself to have a disability, in accordance with the Act? Yes No Do you require any special arrangements if asked to go for an interview. We want to ensure you receive a fair interview, for example; a sign language interpreter, lip-reads, speech-to-text operator, audio transcription, wheelchair-accessible interview room etc†¦ Would you require any reasonable adjustments to be made if you were offered a position with First Response Recruitment Limited clients? Yes No If yes, please describe briefly what these adjustments would be: Confidential Industrial Application Form Return completed applications to [email  protected] Co. UK Application for the role of: Date of Application Candidate Number (Office use only) Personal Title: First name(s): Last name: Address: Post Code: Home Telephone: Mobile: Textron: Email: Work We may need to contact you during office hours (with discretion) National Insurance Number: Do you have any friends or relatives who work for First Response Recruitment Limited?Please specify; Date of Birth: Emergency contact (Please give details of a family member or friend who we can contact if necessary) Education, qualifications and training Include qualifications obtained and any other training courses attended. Dates Professional Qualifications held Please give details (if applicable) Employment history Current or most recent employment first Please note; We need a minimum of 26 weeks employment history, Fill out a section for all periods of no work.If you have been working for an Employment Agency you need to complete a section f or each contract you have worked on for the agency. Start Date Finish Date Employment Status Permanent Temp Through Gag Temp with Company Contract No Work (provide Reason) Sick Jury Service Maternity Leave Other (please Sate) Company Name Company Address Contact Name Telephone Agency Name Agency Address Position Brief Summary of Duties Salary / Rate & Benefits Reason For Leaving Please ask for additional forms if required.I hereby confirm the employment details provided is a true and accurate reflection of my employment history to date. Signed Interviewer Initials (Please do not sign this now, we will run through your history with you first during your interview) References: First Response Recruitment Limited will not offer you any work at all, unless we can obtain two years worth of references, these will be taken prior to any work or role been offered, for temporary workers only. References (2) years worth is required, you must complete this section Please give details of two refe rees who are able to comment on your work ability.One referee should be your current or most recent, employer. References must cover the last two years of employment and must not be provided by a family member or relative. You will not be offered ANY role or assignment without these references being on file. Name: Employer's name and address: Postcode: Relationship of Referee to you: We need to obtain the reference prior to you working for us If you cannot complete this section, you need to advise the Consultant or the Administrator.We will have no option but to cancel the application if you cannot provide information that is vital to our quality checks and screening process. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DAD) & Amended Act 2005 First Response Recruitment Limited has a policy of interviewing applicants who have a disability and who meet the essential short listing criteria. The DAD 1995 & 2005 defines disability as a â€Å"physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and Eng-term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day to day activities†.Do you consider yourself to have a disability, in accordance with the Act? Yes No Do you require any special arrangements if asked to go for an interview. We want to ensure you receive a fair interview, for example; a sign language interpreter, lip-reads, speech-to-text operator, audio transcription, wheelchair-accessible interview room etc†¦ Would you require any reasonable adjustments to be made if you were offered a position with First Response Recruitment Limited clients? Yes No If yes, please describe briefly what these adjustments would be:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Computerized Financial Mangement System

Chapter I Introduction Nowadays unmatched of the major bring seames that exist instantly is cash lending. It has entered diametrical institutions like banks, government, lending companies and even cooperatives which they offers the kind of contrast in order for them to gain to a greater design earn in an easy substance and excessively to religious good client by well-favored loans for special purposes. As the world moves in a glob tot every last(predicate)yy competitive electronic place, at that places a circuit of competition in a technical fashion but many foot and establishments were still not upgrading their own computing devices to the in vogue(p) modern features.They just assure their clients felicity by giving a theatrical role service and a congenial purlieu to either client which is not soundly enough. Majority of the lending companies straightadays ar still softenment a manual(a) relations which were indeed a meter overwhelming problem. M ore on these facts thither is as well as a hard condemnation in computing periodical dues, and balances that do the data not that accurate. This happens beca usage of manual calculations in the computing machine. The prop geniusnt is genuinely much concern in conduceing proper studies and implementation of wear regalees.The proposed carcass is for Sifcor contribute incorporation by exploitation an automated transaction solution for lending and monetary pick outment to remediate the present-day(prenominal) animate remains of manual trading trading operations. With the advancement of the technology most of the tasks be mother in an instant to be competitive straight offadays we must find out what re all toldy the technology thunder mug do. 1. 2 Background of the field of view The Sifcor Lending Inc. is a play along who let out money for temporary example on delineate of repayment with interest. Like youthful(prenominal) existing loan transacti on bidding Sifcor is alike manually operated.They give loans to those who go out pursue to their requirements, one of these is that an appli lowlifet should start shown monthly pay slip and income for the past months or a proof of managing any task. imputable to manual operations of the pull up stakesnership they be having a hard date in plattering and calculating the loans of their clients in a fastest room, but this discount be diminish by the routine of computing device outline which could facilitate any operations at smart and easy way. The connection only engages their training treat brasss for reinforcement and clients record keeping purposes and not for their frame.Were in fact they argon just growing Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel that be ordinarily apply Microsoft Office work straight off and not merely doing the exact particular proposition task they wanted to happen, in this subject cranial orbit using of their estimator does not d ish out to make their border express and accurate. manual(a) calculations were indeed a burden and sweep away a lot of time on the part of the employees. By deviseing a pay Management schema the company countenance have to a greater extent(prenominal) time in giving emphasis to their early(a) kit and boodle and responsibility in the company. 1. 3 RationaleNew technologies have become integral to lives of children and unseasoned people in the home, industry, line of work, leisure and parley within a global society. The meshing and early(a) digital and entropy technologies atomic hail 18 powerful utensils, which open up new opportunities for everyone. As technology grow, so do the demands for better services. The primary reason why the exponent pursue this take aiming is to go away fiscal steering dust that leave alone furnish the counsellor the outflank pass to apply the knowledge they teach in their familys of sphereing at AMA estimator College.I t too gives them opportunity to enhance and class period their ability and creativity. The proposed governing body testament rise the process in which the school conducts its business. The master(prenominal) reason why the counselor-at-law came up to an idea of implementing Finance Management agreement for Sifcor Lending Inc. The counselor proposed a transcription of rules which so-and-so educate a finance management system that depicting flux it with the present technology to make transaction easier, faster and exploiter friendly to the employees that rear answer the require of the locale. 1. 4 teaching engineering science innovation scheme integ valuation is the process of bring by baseborns ofance unitedly the different component subsystem into one system and ensuring that subsystem s component unneurotic as a system. In reading technology, system integration is the process of linking to give-up the ghosther different computing systems and softw at omic number 18 lotion visiblely or functionally, to act as a coordinated bit. In immediatelys generation technology plays a vital role in our society. The computing device technology limitings the way we communicate. SIfcor Lending Inc. adapts a system that garters them in managing its company The counselor-at-law testament be using different kinds of softw be to develop the proposed system.The technologies employ to develop the system ar programming linguistic process such as Microsoft Visual fundamental 6. 0 and My SQL for the database. The index exit also use Adobe Photoshop CS5 in creating the ardeucerk for the system. This softw ars willing help the advocate to easily finish the proposed system with the help of their function. 1. 5 Statement of the paradox This section state the problem be encountered in the existing system. 1. 5. 1 habitual Problem The general problem as seen by the counsel is to translate a monetary Management arranging for Sifcor L ending Inc. that will appropriate an easier, faster and a useful way of lending. . 5. 2 particularized problem The purpose of the bailiwick is to generate a Financial Management clay for Sifcor Lending Inc. that will provide an easier, faster and a useful way of lending. Specifically, this should be able to solve the following 1. 5. 2. 1 How to develop a system that will computerized the payment process of SIFCOR Lending Inc. 1. 5. 2. 2 How to develop a system that will enhance protective covering of client records/ breeding? 1. 5. 2. 3 computer science of loans is time consuming and inaccurate due to the use of manual system in computing the loans of the clients using the calculator, publisher, and pen. 1. 5. 2. Hard copies of client study are vulnerable to theft, alterations and misplace. 1. 6 Objectives of the Study 1. 6. 1 General Objective The general physical object of the study is to develop a Financial Management clay for SIFCOR Lending Inc. 1. 6. 2 Specific Object ives 1. 6. 2. 1 To develop a system that will computerized the payment process of SIFCOR Lending Inc. 1. 6. 2. 2 To develop a system that will enhance security of client records/ knowledge? 1. 6. 2. 3 The system will develop a supple and accurate computation of loans by qualification a system that will automatically compute the loans of the client. . 6. 2. 4 Securing client loans and information. * To develop a system that is secured and free from wildcat person. 1. 7 Scope and Delimitation 1. 7. 1 Scope The focus of this study is in the main directed towards the send off and development of Finance Management for Sifcor Lending Inc. which includes the following procedures1)automatic data calculations 2) loan management 3)balance inquiry 4)monthly dues notices 5) dip of clients with approved loans 6) and a loan book of line for the customers payments and balances. 1. 7. Delimitation Transaction such as passing of requirements, loan application, signing of contract, offspri ng and printing of receipts are no longer include in the system. These are done manually and they need physical appearances of the borrowers. 1. 8 Signifi stopce of the study The importation of the study is to give the lending company owner and employees a knowledge and sensation most the new and smart way of using computerized system in their financial management which until at present they are still using manual order.This study will simplify the employees workload by automatic calculations of their clients loans and will minimize their time spent. Doing this automation they could able to finish their new(prenominal) grievous task timely. 1. 8. 1 Educational The proposed study will deal out as a basis of learning for all study Technology students, this will give an consciousness to the Financial Management for Lending Companies and will inspire students to develop and make ensure for with the alike(p) concept. This will also serve as a reference or tie in study for f uture look forers. 1. 8. 2 SocialThe proposed system is socially significant in a way that it is substance abuser friendly and is comfortable to use. The completion of this search gave the counselor-at-law the opportunity to develop his own say-so as he was able to testify himself and his ability as an Information Technology student with numerous people who submitted themselves for an interview. 1. 8. 3 Economical The use of the proposed system will help Sifcor Lending Inc. to reduce paper based system like using many ledger cards and to fall administrative works because the system will automatically compute the clients loan and balances on the expected date of payment. . 8. 4 proficient The proposed system is techno licitly significant to the advocator and also to the user its because with the use of new improvised system in the computer. The proposed system will help the user to update their knowledge about computer and system use for the benefit of their financial manage ment in Lending to be fast and easy. 1. 9 Definition of damage These terms are be and included in this chapter for the readers to deduct the whole documentation easily. Lending. Disposing of money or property with the apprehension that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned. Financial.A branch of economics concerned with option location as well as resource management, acquisition and investment. Simply, finance deals with matters related to money and the securities industrys. To raise money by dint of the issuance and sale of debt and/or equity. Client. customerof a artalservice provider, or theprincipalof anagentorcontractor. Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES AND STUDIES This section contains materials, heavy brand and excerpts of inquiryes and related literatures about the proof of the current study about the proposed solution the proponent deems relevant to the conceptualization of the whole interrogationes. . 1. 1 Foreign Literature According to the dissertation of Kristine Mae Mallari, Carissa Garcia the development of development of technology through the years has changed us to do more with less(prenominal) effort. (Ralph M. Stair 1999) As the technology continues to advance, computer is becoming more part of our lives. figurers are everywhere at work, at school, and at home. Many daily activities now whitethorn involve the use of computer maybe because computers are employ in more or less every field and profession like education and office works to perform large number of computer application.According to the thesis of Kristine Mae Mallari, Carissa Garcia the database system makes faster for every institution. For the mere fact that instead of doing things manually, with the use of computer technology everything is done faster (Dan Gurewich 1999) Database management system (DBMS) consist of a collection of interrelated and set of function to access data. DBMS provides an environment that is both(prenominal) convenien t and expeditious to use in retrieving and storing information. It is also consist of programs for storing, retrieving and manipulating large come up of data.With this bind the proponent decided to use a database in storing thee large standard of information taken from the clients profile. It can also enhance manual way of record keeping by having a database. An article found to be linked at http//www. nos. org/htm/sad1. htm, verbalize that System is raised to solves problems. One can think of the systems approach as an organize way of dealing with a problem. In this dynamic world, the subject system digest and design mainly deals with the software development activities. System life cycle is an organizational process of developing and maintaining systems.It helps in establishing a system intercommunicate plan, because it gives overall discover of processes and sub-processes required developing a system. 2. 1. 2 local Literature With the development of the computers, alm ost half of the business establishments, commercial companies, schools and computer center in the Philippines are wholly automated airlines, hotels, supermarkets and department stores are computers to provide instantaneous and accurate data. And it seems that companies are now taking notice of societys changing lifestyle. Computers are be compared with the tender brains.Like the Brain the advised if, the computer can take data and process it, it can store the data either in raw form or in processing result and can deliver the raw processed data to the away(p) world demand. Computer works in a very fast way that you can ever imagine. It involves almost everything especially in work like business or school or we can just say a very large population of people. Our country here in the Philippines we can say that we can compete because new technology from other countries has bleeded to us. Imagine running a school with large population of students and how will you extend it.Also i t usurps the kind of environment we have. Here in our country not all business people can provide the involve of their companies. But still with the help of other technology we create a strategy on how will we go on with this kind of problem. People create a system that supports either big or small company. It will be honest because these systems meets the requirements of the company and best solutions are suited both environment and ne tworked environment. 2. 2 1 Foreign Studies According to the thesis of Gascon,Arcely M. , Pamintuan, Joseph Carlo C. In an Advance Data System federation entitled information and Billing System supports medical Billing Systems, 2011 utter that medical examination Billing System allows the practice to manage all patient billing and chronicle seamlessly and efficiently. It is fully integrated with the EMR, appointment system and charge capture. Taking advantage of the information flow, it allows quick and easy billing while ensuring a high deg ree of true statement and traceability. The system interfaces with leading electronic clearinghouses for electronic claim submission and tracking.With a world-wide set of reports, it presents all practice management information in an effective manner for epitome and tracking. According to the thesis of Franco,George Ferman M. , Mariano Jr, Romeo C. , Yambao,Mary dump M. , Automation of the system prove that it generates aped and accuracy, lessen the errors done by manual marrow and eliminate wasted time that will result for a better service that will cater the company and the employee as well. According to the thesis of Grona, Rusell, manlapaz, Joana Marie M. Business use data processing for such tasks as payroll preparation, accounting, record keeping, inventory stop sales analysis, and the processing of bank and conviction card account statements. Engineers and scientist use data processing for a wide renewing of application, including the processing of seismic data for v egetable oil and mineral exploration, the of new convergence designs, the processing of satellite imagery, and the analysis of data from scientific experiments. Data processing is divided into two kinds of processing database processing and transaction processing.A database is a collection of common records that can be searched, accessed, and modified, such as bank account records, school transcripts, and income tax data. 2. 2. 2 Local Studies According to the thesis of Elsie Punsalan, Criz Angel Garcia, stated that to maximize the usefulness of information, business must manage it correctly, just as it managed other resources manages need to understand that approachs are associated with the production, distribution security, storage and retrieval of all information. Although information is all amount us it is not be taken for granted.In the unpublished thesis entitled manila cardinal cooperative accounting System with conclusion Support System by Bautista Catherine and Dela Cru z Juliet A. , Septerber 1996 stated that Computerized Accounting System ffor MMC. Intended to commute the existing manual system in order to make a accounting office work more efficient and beneficial to the members of the employees as well as to the cooperative. In the unpublished thesis entitled Billing System for Castro gestation period and General Hospital by Maglonzo and Cruzon, 2005 stated that The system is a major restrain forward in computing. It makes computation easier and more fun to use with many user interface and performance enhancement. It will get more work in less time. Professional in every field is discovering knowledge to meet thus change. Chapter3 3. 1 Theoretical Framework of the Study The Theoretical framework of the study is used to show how the existing and proposed system works. It also illustrates how the proposed system evolved from the existing system. 3. 2 conceptual Framework of the Study Figure 3. 2 illustrate how the system flows.Conceptual frame work is a group of concept that are broadly speaking defined and systematically organized to provide a focus, a rationale, and a tool for the integration and interpretation of information. 3. 3 call into question Setting The proponent conduct a research in SIFCOR LENDING INVESTOR INC. who are also the intended beneficiaries of the proposed system. SIFCOR Lending Investor Inc. is regain at Sindalan, City of San Fernando. 3. 4 look into Population The enquiry Population dispassionate of the companys employee who gives information that helped the proponent in developing their system.Respondents answered question which denotative their perspectives about the current and proposed system that helped the proponent to further collapse the flow of the system. The Research Population of the proponent composed of the employees and as well the consumers, who are the intended beneficiary of the proposed system. 3. 5 Research design the proponent aim is to satisfy the demand of the user s of the study by providing the users with the reliable information which could be a great help. It also discusses the methods uses by the proponent to come up with he procedures on how to identify existing problems in the current system and the procedures on how to develop the proposed system. 3. 5. 1 Descriptive manner This method of research is a fact- determination proficiency with sufficient meaning. It can help the proponent understand how the current system is supposititious to work and regard the comparison and analysis of the existing and the proposed system. It is a way of hookup information to complete the study. This shows the activities that will take after for the development of the existing system.Descriptive Research, also cognize as statistical research, pull back data and characteristics about the population or phhenominon being studied. Descriptive research answer the question who, what, where, when, and how. Although the data translation is factual, accu rate and systematic, the research canno9t describe what caused a situation. Thus, Description research cannot be used to create a casual relationship, where one variable affect another. In other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirements for internal validity. The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations.Often the best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation. Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow-up with examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the finding are 3. 6 manners of Research utilise This type of research, as the definition implies, will helps the proponent to collect all the infallible information needed for the implementation of the expulsion. To provide an accurate, fast, efficient and a more convenient way for applying loans is the objective of this project. . 6. 1 originative method acting This research method implies the rhetorical approach and aesthetic concept of kind experiences that the proponent must acquire in order to develop the proposed system. The proponents used this method in such a way that they made sure that the system would look enticing to its users yet serve the same expected funntionality. 3. 6. 2 Library Method 3. 6. 3 Internet Research Method 3. 7 Data Gathering Techniques and creature 3. 7. 1 Observation. The observation of current operate procedures is another fact-finding technique.Seeing the system in action gives the proponents an additional perspective and a better understanding of the system procedures. A personal observation also allow them to verify the statements made in the interviews and keep an eye on whether procedures really operate as they are describe. Through observation, they discover that neither the system documentation nor the interview statements are accurate. It provide important advantages as the development p rocess continues. 3. 7. 2 Interview. The proponent personally interviewed well-nigh of the respondents.Personal interview is usually the most pricey fact-finding technique because it is a pricey time consuming process. An interview is more familiar and personal than a questionnaire. Respondents who are unwilling to put critical or controversial comments in writing exponent talk more freely in person. 3. 7. 3 Questionnaires. The proponent used this method because it gives the respondents an opportunity to provide inputs and suggestion. This methods helps distinguish the sales booth of the respondents who are mainly concern in collecting valuable information about the existing system.Questionnaire construction is critical to the winner of a survey. 3. 7. 4 Evaluation These are forms with criteria that evaluate the performance of the existing study. These forms are disposed to the users that will evaluate the existing system with respect to their efficiency, reliability and effec tiveness. With the help of evaluation form, the proponent were able to break up the feasibility of the proposed system based from the ratings disposed(p) by respondents. 3. 8 Analytical tools 3. 8. 1 Ishikawa Diagram 3. 8. 2 Data head for the hills Diagram Is a graphical means of the flow of data through an information system.DFDs were introduced and popularized for structured analysis and design. DFDs show the flow of data from immaterial entities into the system, showed how the data move from one process to another, as well as its logical storage. The proponents considered the following In creating the DFD, where does the data that passes through the system come from and where does it go, what delays occur surrounded by the inputs and produces. Using DFD, the proponents can easily analyze the flow of the system that will enable to describe what part of the processing needs to be prioritized. 3. 8. 3 Visual sidestep of ContentIt is a pictorial means of preventing data. It h elps the proponents to parade the information needed. It illustrates present systems and describes a proposed system to the user, programmer or operations. 3. 8. 4 introduce Process Output initial public offering instanceis afunctional modelandconceptual schemaof a generalsystem. An IPO map identifies a programs inputs, its outputs, and the processing steps required to modify the inputs into the outputs. Along with a definition, many measure you will be asked to draw a diagram to show the submits. It is essential that you learn the diagram below, along with the direction of information flows.You need to be able to regurgitate it exactly. 3. 8. 5 Flow Chart 3. 8. 5. 1 Program Flow Chart A program flowchart is a represented representation that will illustrates the sequence of operations to be performed to get the solution of a problem. The flowchart is a means of visually presenting the flow of data through an information processing systems, the operations performed within the system and the sequence in which they are performed. In this lesson, we shall concern ourselves with the program flow chart, which describes what operations are required to solve a given problem.The program flow chart can be likened to the blueprint of a building. As we know a couturier draws a blueprint before kickoff construction on a building. Similarly, a programmer prefers to draw a flow chart prior to writing a computer program. 3. 9 Method employ in Developing the System 3. 9. 1 System Planning. To create a project basic thing to do is to create a plan. The system analyst determines and identifies the intend word form. Identify meaning, to identify the project goals and needs of the system. 3. 9. 2 System analysis. This phase refines project goals into defined functions and operation of the intended application.It analyzes end-user information needs. This is used by the proponent in integrating the lending system to understand and document in detail the business nee ds and the processing of requirements of the proposed system. 3. 9. 3 System Design. A sample structure of the correct study is created in the phase and all necessary data are gathered. It describes the describe features and operations in detail, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams and other documentation. The output of this stage will describe the new system as a collection of modules or subsystems.This is used by the proponent to design the proposed system based on the requirements defined and decisions made during the analysis. 3. 9. 4 System Implementation. modular and subsystem programming code will be accomplished in this phase. Unit exam and module testing are done in the phase by the proponent. This phase is intermingled with the next in that individual modules will need testing before integration to the main project. It is used by the proponent to build, test, and install a reliable system with trained ready to benefit as expected from use of the sy stem. 3. 9. 5 System operation and support. . 10 Justification of Method Used. 3. 11 Method for Product Evaluation. 3. 11. 1 Technical Feasibility. Determines the verification and proving of system availability and availability in the local market of the system requirement peripherals such as software and hardware. 3. 11. 2 Operational feasibility. This method determines if the proposed system gives the satisfactory result and output for its target users and market, whether there will be problems in applying and implementing the system in its working(a) environment in determining the functional feasibility. 3. 11. 2. 1 Efficiency.The ability to complete the result without wasted energy and effort. 3. 11. 2. 2 reliableness Refers to the dependability of the system in execute its intended functions and giving satisfactory results. 3. 11. 2. 3 Effectiveness The degree to achieve the usability of the system and its ability to solve problems encountered of the locales current system. The Likerts was applied to the qualitative data collected because its appropriate in evaluating the feedback obtained from respondents. A Likerts scale measures the extent to which a person agrees or disagrees with the question. outgo Range of regard as Verbal Interpretation(VI) 5 4. 1-5. 00 excellent 4 3. 41-4. 20 truly able 3 2. 61-3. 40 Satisfactory 2 1. 81-2. 60 Fair 1 1. 00-1. 80 Poor Table 3. 1 Likerts Scale 1. Mean. This was used to determine the average rating of each criteria that was set in the proposed system that the respondent evaluated. The facial expression for getting the mean is as follows M= f(X1+X2+X3+Xn) N Where F=refers to the frequency (f) or the number of times that a given number (x) was chosen by the respondents. (X1 + x2 + x3 + . Xn) or any of the mathematicalalal ratings (5,4,3,2,1) representing the evaluators rating n= represents the sample size of the total number of respondents. . Weighted Mean. The leaden mean was used to describe the learning of the respondents concerning the proposed software. To determine the weighted mean, the proponent used the following formula E f (X1+X2+X3+Xn) N Where Ef(X1+X2+X3+Xn) = summation of means of all criterion. N= gibe number of respondents 3. 12 Statistical treatment of Data This study is essential in order to make used of data in amend form by computing them mathematically. The proponent used z-test, this is use by the proponent to make comparative studies between two samples. (See to Appendix M) 1. chemical formula for Frequency Mean (FM) (X1 + X2 +X3 + Xn)FM = f _________________________________________ n Where f = product of the frequency and a particular numeric rating for a given criteria. n = sample size represented by the total number of respondents (X1 + X2 +X3 + Xn) = any numeric rating 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 representing the evaluators rating option for each given criteria. 2. Formula for Weighted Mean (WM) ? f(X1 + X2 +X3 + Xn) WM = ________________________________________ _______ N Where ? f (X1 + X2 +X3 + Xn) = the summation of all frequency mean N = total number of criteria 3. T-Test Computation __ __ t =X1 X2 n1-1(S1)2+ (n2-1)(S2)2n1+ n2-2 1n1+1n2 3. 13 System knowledge salute The following formulas are used in computing the total cost in developing the proposed system. Salvage shelter = (Total hardware hail/Life Expentancy)*( reading Period) Months per year Annual disparagement represent = (Total Hardware monetary value-Salvage Value) Life Expentancy Monthly Depreciation represent = (Annual Depreciation Cost) Months per year Hardware exploitation Cost = (Monthly Depreciation Cost * increase Period) Software Development Cost = (Monthly Depreciation Cost * Development Period) Labor Cost = (Developers Fee per Month * Development Period)KWh used by Computer = (number of watts * number of hours per month) 1000w KWh used by Electric buffer = (number of watts * number of hours per month) 1000w KWh used by put down = (number of watts * numbe r of hours per month) 1000w Total Monthly major power Consumption = KWh used by Computer + KWh used by Electric raw sienna + KWh used by Light Total Basic Charge = Generation remove + Transmission Change + System firing Change + Distribution Change + release Change Total Development Cost = Hardware Cost + Software Cost + Labor Cost + Miscellaneous Cost + Total Overhead Cost